Seventh and Eighth Grade Fit For Life

Ms. Pamela Jones

I'm Pam Jones, and it is an excitement for me to teach Fit For Life. This is my 5th year as an ACMS teacher. What exactly is Fit for Life, you may be asking? FFL, is a combination of Health, Character Education, and Physical Education.

Here at ACMS, we are all about implementing exciting and innovative ways to improve optimal health. This is not your typical "P.E." class. In FFL, our students study and learn detailed curriculum standards of the Georgia Department of Education.

These areas of study consist of personal & mental health, safety, nutrition, growth & development, family living, effective personal goal setting, as well as analyzing effects & consequences of alcohol, tobacco & other drug use. Our students also participate in fitness assessments and developmentally appropriate health-related fitness activities for the purpose of improving skill performance and physical fitness.

Health & fitness is my drive! I have always considered myself a great athlete receiving awards such as Most Athletic, All-State, and full academic/athletic scholarship playing basketball. I received my A.S. and B.S. degrees in Education from Dyersburg State and The University of Tennessee at Martin in Health and Human Performance with a concentration in Fitness Management. I was later accepted into the graduate studies program at Middle Tennessee State University to receive my M.S. degree in Exercise Science and Human Performance.

Useful Links

Click HERE for more information about Fit For Life!