ACMS Summer Events

Work Days

The ACMS Buildings & Grounds Committee holds several work days during the summer to maintain and improve the appearance of the school. These work days are a terrific opportunity to earn required volunteer hours and to get to know other members of the ACMS community. There are always a variety of tasks that need to get done inside and outside of the school, so all are welcome for any portion of the day you can attend.

  1. Saturday, July 26th from 10 AM to 12 PM (followed by an ice cream social)
  2. Saturday, August 2nd from 10 AM to 1 PM
  3. Wednesday, August 6th from 6 PM to 9 PM

If you can help on one of these days or if you would like more information, please contact:
Jeff Larson, ACMS Buildings & Grounds Chairperson
or 404-429-1066.

Ice Cream Social - Saturday, July 26th

After spending the morning getting to know other members of the ACMS community during the work day, stay and join us for an ice cream social at noon on Saturday, July 26th. It's a chance for students and parents/guardians to enjoy a cool treat on a warm summer day along with some members of the ACMS staff.

Orientation and Registration - Saturday, August 9th

Prior to beginning the 2008-2009 school year, all students and their parents/guardians must attend orientation. The orientation is on Saturday, August 9th from noon to 2:00 PM at ACMS. Not only is the orientation a time for students to meet their advisor for the year, important information about the school year is distributed and documents are completed to insure your student's registration at ACMS.